Cats and dogs are often found distracted, agitated and stressed when they are at the clinic especially with other species around. At ALCVC, we have a dedicated feline waiting area and examination room so as to separate cat and dog patients to minimize stress.
Feliway diffusions send “happy messages” – Pheromones, which are natural messages animals use to communicate with the world around them (and cats) and makes them feel safe. The clinic has them plugged in and available for use in both the waiting area and cat consultation room to reduce anxiety. Feliway-sprayed towels are not only available during consultations but also for the clients to cover their cats’ carrier while waiting.
We are constantly looking to make your visit as stress-free for your cat, and for you, the owner. Please give us a call, Rocky one of our UK Registered Vet Nurse can work out a plan with you to make cat visit less stressful as possible.
At ALCVC, we have a top-notch lab to ensure we establish the right diagnosis for our patients. The ALCVC team are trained in many areas including pathology, microbiology, hematology and parasitology,
Laboratory: Our in-house laboratory allows us to perform full biochemistry, hematology, electrolytes, serology, urinalysis and faecal tests. We generally have results within the time it takes for a routine consultation. We also utilize a commercial veterinary laboratory for specialized diagnostics tests and pathology. This means we can start your pet on the correct treatment straight away to start on the way to recovery,
These are only a few of the numerous tests that our lab is capable of running.
This cutting-edge technology allows us to make better, more detailed x-rays in a shorter amount of time. This state-of-the-art technology not only makes us more efficient, but it is a much better diagnostic tool.
Ultrasound is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that enables the veterinarian to look into the body and obtain detailed information about different organ systems with amazing clarity.
This is the room in which ALCVC performs all our sterile surgical procedures. This room is kept perfectly clean at all times, with minimal access by staff. All patients are prepared for surgery in our pre-operation room, with fur clipped and the surgical site prepared with antiseptic solutions before moving into the surgery theater.
The importance of this is to reduce the amount of loose fur and the number of bacteria in the air and on the surfaces.
With every procedure that involves anesthesia, each of our patients has the following parameters continuously monitored with a fully dedicated veterinary technician by its side at all times;
- Heart Rate
- Respiration
- Core Temperature (patient warming systems)
- SPO2
- CO2
- Blood pressure